玳玻 散 花 文 天目 茶碗
Timname 二笔 autocommit 0 廴 纟 z 纟 匚 a 虍 a 虍 b 艹 c 丿 c 氵 e 彡 ec 彡 f 亻 g 冂 k 廾 kx 廾 m 阝 m. Pad unused1 unused2 unused3 unused4 unused5 unused6 unused7 unused8 unused9 unused10 unused11 unused12 unused13 unused14 unused15. File header must not be modified this file must be encoded into utf 8.
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. Ziranma tit v 1 1 1 1 1999 05 26 16 27 31 tb exp hanzi input table for cxterm to be used by cxterm convert me to cit format first cit version 2. Special thanks to xiaolinzi who allows us to redistribute this table under gpl.